Frequently Asked Questions
What area does the chamber serve?
We serve the 63123 and 63125 zip codes and any vendors doing business with Affton and Lemay businesses. About 35% of our membership comes from outside the 63123 & 63125 zip codes. Many of the members live or grew up in Affton or Lemay and still feel close to the community.
We serve the 63123 and 63125 zip codes and any vendors doing business with Affton and Lemay businesses. About 35% of our membership comes from outside the 63123 & 63125 zip codes. Many of the members live or grew up in Affton or Lemay and still feel close to the community.
How many people live in the 63123 zip code?
According to the 2020 Census, 49,308 people live in zip code 63123. You can find Demographic data from the 2020 Census here.
How many people live in the 63125 zip code?
According to the 2020 Census, 32,201 people live in zip code 63125. You can find Demographic data from the 2020 Census here.
Where is the Affton or Lemay City Hall?
There is no city hall since Affton and Lemay is not a city, but neighborhoods with very strong identities. There is NO Mayor of Affton or Lemay. Representation in county government is thru the St. Louis County Council. You can find a list of elected officials that represent Affton and Lemay here. You can read more about the history of Affton here and the history of Lemay here.
Who does the code and zoning enforcement?
Since Affton and Lemay are not cities, there aren’t any employees to do this type of enforcement. The Affton & Lemay communities adhere to St. Louis County rules and regulations. Any code & zoning enforcement is done by St. Louis County. There are six small municipalities within the 63123 zip code: Grantwood, Green Park, Lakeshire, Mackenzie, Marlborough, and Wilbur Park. Each of these municipalities has its own ordinances.
What does the Affton-Lemay Chamber do for the community?
Outstanding individuals & businesses are recognized at our Annual Awards & Dinner Auction Gala: Citizen of the Year, Business Person of the Year, First Responders of the Year, and Exceptional Educators. Beautification awards are given to Commercial New Construction and Renovations in 63123 & 63125.
Affton-Lemay Community Parade is held in September each year.
The First Responders Memorial Flagpole was installed at the Affton-Lemay Chamber office in 2017 to honor the first responders killed in the line of duty.
Because a good education leads to a good citizen and therefore a good community, we support our schools!
- New teacher welcome bags for schools in Affton & Lemay
- Scholarships to the Affton & Lemay high schools based on the student’s community service.
The Chamber publishes a Bi-Annual Community Directory for use by residents and business leaders in the community. This popular booklet includes information about chamber members, civic organizations, elected officials, municipalities, emergency and, hospital numbers, houses of worship, schools, voting, passports, licenses, public service, state, county, newspaper, senior citizen, and utility information. The directory is published in odd-numbered years and available at the chamber office between 9 am and 1 pm or at local financial institutions, the Grant's View & Weber Branch Libraries, and the Affton License Office.
Who can join the Chamber?
Businesses, sales reps, government agencies, schools, churches, non-profit clubs, civic organizations, elected officials, or retired individuals. A chamber of commerce is basically a business organization providing members with the opportunity to network with other business leaders to help grow their businesses. Our programs and meetings are geared toward business people.
We do encourage non-members to participate in our events; e.g., our Annual Awards & Dinner Auction Gala, Annual Golf Tournament, the spring & fall BBQ, Rock 'N Roll Bingo, Taste of Lemay-Affton Business Expo, and Affton-Lemay Community Parade. All events are listed on our Calendar as they are finalized.
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